Guided Compliance.  CMMC Efficiently Achieved.

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Fill out the form below so we can contact you to discuss the Rizkly Starter for Small Contractors with Less than 50 Employees. 

The Certain and Affordable Path to CMMC 

Designed to Help Smaller Companies Meet Compliance  Requirements

Compliance Technology Combined with Expert Advisory for Efficient Results

A Glidepath to CMMC that Fits Your Situation 

Immediate 800-171 Assessment & SPRS Reporting 

Demonstrate CMMC Compliance,  Reduce the Disruption

Recognizing that smaller defense contractors often do not have in-house security and compliance resources, Rizkly delivers a CMMC solution that gives you efficiency and peace of mind for any security or compliance initiative. Your subscription includes our Cloud-based SaaS compliance application as well as dedicated Rizkly cyber and compliance advisors who work with you to demonstrate CMMC compliance while improving your staff's security and compliance acumen.

Choosing Rizkly provides your organization with an effective and affordable solution for Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC).  You gain experienced CMMC advisory from certified NIST & FedRAMP Assessors that partner with you to develop a plan for success, and provides the appropriate support and expertise to achieve CMMC certification. 

Rizkly draws upon our extensive experience with NIST, SOC and FedRAMP advisory and assessor engagements to knock down the hurdles that small and mid-sized organizations will face with CMMC compliance. We bring the commitment, expertise and a Cloud SaaS compliance tool to increase efficiency and lessen the impact on your budget and personnel to help you demonstrate CMMC compliance. 

Rizkly CMMC Starter

When you engage with Rizkly for CMMC compliance certification, we will not send you a questionnaire to complete.  We will pick up the phone and call you so that we better understand your organization, your environment, and where you are in your journey.  

Dedicated 800-171 & CMMC Advisor Ensures Your Success 

Invite Suppliers and Auditors to Securely Participate in Your Project

Track Open Compliance Tasks and Automate Evidence Collection 

Manage Gaps and Weaknesses to their Closure

One-Click Generation of CMMC Audit Documentation 

Ensure Revenue and Operational Continuity